Effective exercises for weight loss belly and hips
The exercise is very useful for the organism, because:
- strengthen the immune system;
- improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- increase strength, stamina, endurance;
- to reduce the probability of the occurrence of depression and apathy, because during the lessons, it activates the production of "happiness hormone" — serotonin;
- strenuously apply the cells of oxygen;
- stimulate the activity of the brain, improve concentration, availability, propensity to learning;
- reduce insomnia, make you sleep better quality, deep;
- slow down the aging processes of cells and tissues;
- normalize the metabolism;
- strengthen the muscular system, improve posture.
The main thing — to find the individual a series of exercises, which correspond to the skills and health conditions. The people with big enough in overweight, for example, many types of fitness contraindicated, as they may cause injury to the knees and lower back, increased blood pressure, and much more. In this case, as a workout ideal for a simple stroll. It is scientifically proven that walking for 30-40 minutes per day significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, helps improve health, increases the overall tone of the organism.
The causes of excess fat

The fat in the tummy area and hips can accumulate for several reasons:
- The problems of health. The extra inches in the area of life may indicate the presence of a variety of diseases, and also the visceral fat Is like? — the fat around internal organs that prevent the normal functioning of the systems.
- Incorrect life style: a sedentary job, the abundance of fatty foods, fast food, lack of sleep — all of this can cause the appearance of excess fat. Is like?
- Psychological factors: the inability to cope with a variety of services to the circumstances of life, the habit of "jam" stress, there are for the company or for boredom.
The excess weight appears for one or more reasons for a time, so effective in the fight against excess weight in need of an integrated approach: the work with the psychologist for the formation of correct eating habits, physical exercise and a proper diet.
With what you start training?
The training must be performed regularly, at least three times a week, only then is it able to get visible results. Each lesson is divided into two parts: cardio and strength.
Cardio exercises help the body to cheer up, and prepare for the next load, also:
- contribute to accelerate the metabolism;
- reduce the level of cortisol is the so-called "stress hormone", an excess that often leads to over-eating and breakdowns, disorders of sleep;
- improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and increasing the resistance;
- actively burn calories, if you compare with the second part of the power sports.
Cardio-warm-up should include physical exercise is intense, fast-paced displayed one after the other, so that the body has not had time to get used to. You can switch between the jumps and the racing high-lift thighs, squats and lunges. Optimally, for this part lasted not less than 20 minutes, and the weight loss will be useful to organize a complete cardio workout 2-3 times weekly for 40-60 minutes. Also active, walk at a brisk pace will be a great option.
A series of exercises to burn fat
Currently in the fitness world actively used the so-called interval training on the different systems. Are recognized as experts more efficient: one cargo type is replaced by another, so the body does not have time to get used to it, constantly working to limit, to actively burning calories. This training strengthens the muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory system, improves metabolism, accelerates the protein synthesis.
These exercises include three main groups of exercises:
- Aerobic: running, cycling, fast walking, jump rope, jump, dance. Increase the heart rate, increase perspiration, help the body warm up, to prepare for the next part.
- Power: twist, belt, slopes, climbs the legs. They are designed to strengthen the muscles.
- Gymnastics or stretching — the final phase of the training, which helps to relax, catch your breath and heartbeat.
Women for weight loss can be yoga, the asanas (exercises) in which smoothly follow one another, contribute to calming, stress-reduction, but good enough to begin the major muscle groups. Run them home, and mat to replace a normal towel.
Run or walk

Run or walk — what will you choose for weight loss? The majority of people will probably say that the first option is definitely in the head. A pleasant walk to many it seems normal occupation, which can promote the fat burn. If this is so? We analyze the main differences:
- Walking helps strengthen the muscles of the calf, horse — chest, back, shoulders, thighs, and buttocks.
- During the stroke, a person experiences a "phase of flight", that is large enough to fall to the vertebral column, the joints. In this phase there is.
- Walking is safe, can not be said of the race, in which significantly increases the probability of the occurrence of injuries and different pathologies due to an increased workload for the heart, the respiratory system, spine, joints.
Running and walking in a way different effect on each person. If health problems, drawing expresses the moral and physical pleasure, the one for weight loss it is best to choose them. If there are any problems with the cardiovascular system, the back, joints or any output for jogging, and causes moral discomfort, to feet — the best option. Walking in this case we recommend not less than an hour, adhering to a fairly fast pace and daily will be about 8000-10000 of thousands of steps or 5-7 kilometers — is the recipe for longevity, a good remedy for many diseases.
Exercise belt
Exercise "belt" fitness trainers is rightly considered a classic, because he takes almost all of the major muscle groups:
- print: capturing the direct, oblique;
- back: occurs a strengthening of the back, postural;
- great pecs, delts;
- buttocks;
- quadriceps;
- the calf of the leg;
- of the hip.
During the execution of exercises of the "belt" distribution, a uniform load on all muscle groups and, because of this, and ensures the effectiveness. Also, if done properly, step by step, there is no load on the joints of the knee, which makes the bar accessible for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, but only after consultation with the doctor and under the guidance of an expert fitness instructor.
ClassicClassic belt refers to a group of exercises if properly performed step by step, there is a load for the joints, the body remains stationary, static, fixed. She has two varieties:
- The emphasis on the straight arm. This option is the most simple, is available for beginners, because the load is represented on the feet.
- The emphasis on the elbows. Maintain this position more difficult, because the weight is distributed evenly between all the control points: the forearms, the elbows, the muscles of the legs. You will need a great effort to keep the body in position level.
For running, you need to take the emphasis for the hands or the elbows, as for push-ups. The body must be stretched in a straight line. Exercise has a second name — "the edge", which describes the essence of the posture: there should be no deviations in the low back, buttocks, legs straight, knees tightened. This position is necessary to delay for 20-30 seconds, during which you will feel all the muscle groups, maybe even the pop-up tremor of light or feeling of warmth — all of this demonstrates the correctness of the execution. The bar easily perform in the home, requires no special equipment or form.
SideThe sidebar uses the muscles in waist and hips. Its also possible to run with the support arm and the elbow, and the sequence is the following:
- to take a position as for the classical belt;
- expand the body of 90 degrees, adopting a stable position: a hand that rests on the floor, mat,, it is necessary to raise it above;
- pull the body in one line, it should appear a feeling of tension in the area of life, lateral muscles of the trunk;
- fix the position for 20-30 seconds.
The sidebar requires control for balance and equilibrium, improves coordination, concentration.
A woman is not easy to get a flat stomach in a force anatomical features: to carry a child should have sufficient layer of fat. But in most cases, of course, excess weight is a result of a poor diet, lack of physical activity and psychological problems. Especially in time to face yourself, and you can start with the simplest exercise — twisting.
There are different types of:
- Classic.
- Inverse (or lifting a leg).
- Oblique — the "elbow-knee".
They can be run in house, using only the mat or in the gym with the use of special equipment. Consider the technique later in the section "Exercises lying on the floor".
The respiratory gymnastics
Recently, widespread respiratory gymnastics, which ensures that it is possible to remove hanging belly, and hips a short time. Can be used as a supplement to yoga or regular fitness to improve the performance of the respiratory system. In addition, these exercises can be used as a meditation to help you relax, calm, can become a good weapon for combat stress.
But for all that every person with common sense should understand where that safely and without damage to health to remove hanging belly is only possible with the help of constant staff training, calorie deficit, the change in eating habits and the data of breathing techniques can only help a couple of to speed up the process.
Jump rope
Jump rope — a good option to start and finish the workout, which help the body to cheer up a little exercise and warm up before power parts. Also, adjust the jump:
- improve the coordination ;
- promote the development of the cardiovascular system;
- strengthen the lungs and the respiratory system;and
- correct the posture.
Enough 3-5 minutes before and after training, to improve the efficiency of the activities. The only warning — jump with the jump rope are contraindicated for people with diseases of the heart and the spine, women in the menstrual period, pregnancy, but also during high degree of obesity.
Gymnastics circle
Another fairly common in women a way to reduce the amount in the area of the stomach and waist exercises with the use of a special drill in a circle and hula. You really can help, but its action is local — it will take a couple of inches with a body zone, all other zones will remain intact.
Also, do not strengthen the muscles, but only has the effect of massage, encourages the flow of lymph. The Hula-hoop can leave welts and bruising on the skin, all depends on your weight and the quality of the rubber of which it is made.
Lessons with the hula-Hoop contraindicated to women during the critical days, and pregnancy, gynecological diseases, the presence on the skin rash, itching.
Slopes help to strengthen the lateral muscles of the abdomen and waist. It is a simple, but quite effective exercise, familiar to many since the times of the school. The technique of execution is the following:
- starting position standing, feet at the width of the shoulders;
- during exhalation, it is necessary to lift the right arm upwards and then tilt to the left, as if tightening the left side;
- on inspiration, return to the starting position;
- during exhalation to do a breakdown in another direction.
To enhance the effect can take hold of a handlebar grips of 0.5-1.5 kg or fix them on the wrists of weights. This will include the work of muscle in the Quads, biceps, chest and back.
The opinion of a specialist

Expert fitness instructors say: it's not worth believing tantalizing photos from the category "before and after", the mythical reviews, promising to pump the ass or do abs for 10 days. The work on the body — is a long process, which combines not only the regular workouts, but also proper nutrition, work with psychology. Already explained this sequence, see above. Dietary restrictions and strenuous activity does not give you the result, if the person is not able to handle the stress, continues the jam of serious-life situations and problems or there are always the company with all the families.
So for the quality, competent weight loss without risks to health, both physical and psychological, it is best to consult the professionals of the clinic of loss of weight. Only they will be able to deal with the problem in a comprehensive way, to take such a methodology, that is without a job shall enter in life, and so secure a foothold, it will become its part.